
Bullying in makeup

Hi everyone!

Bullying is not a new issue, but these days with the rise of social networks it becomes increasingly evident and the makeup area doesn’t escape from it. While everyone is entitled to give their opinion, behind the keyboard some people become judges and vent their anger against the victim of the moment, sometimes just to annoy and sometimes because they think genuinely that destroying others can increase their worth.

No matter the reasons, the fact is that today we all face the ill-intentioned criticism and we must learn how to deal with it ... or to fight it.

Photo: holaafrica

It’s ok if you wear makeup… and if you don’t it’s ok too

Makeup (like everything in life) depends on the taste of each person: some people like it simple, others like it more loaded and others don’t like makeup at all; it all depends on personal style.

But leaving aside the application technique, people tend to always have an opinion (good or bad), the problem begins when this point of view wants to be destructive and the recipient doesn’t know how to handle the situation, especially through networks where the "cheerful keyboard" and anonymity are allies of anyone who wants to do harm.

Photo: metro

Natural is the best…

There’s always who says that natural is best, and it’s ok if that person wants to be "natural" always, but that doesn’t give the power to make negative comments about the way of life of others... if you don’t like to wear makeup just don’t do it and problem solved, don’t pretend the rest of the world will have to adapt to you.

Those of us who wear makeup are under the stigma that we do it to please men or because we are ugly... nothing further from reality: makeup is an art that helps bring out the best in everyone, and each one has their reasons for using it.

Photo: makeupbysuge

Bullying among makeup artists

Bullying in makeup doesn’t happen only in social networks to criticize the other's style, also happens among colleagues that devalue the work of others (either online or in person with potential clients). There could be many reasons for this to happen, but the fact is that these actions are loaded with ill intent as there’s no need to disparage others to show your worth (your work speaks for you).

When you want to give your opinion, it’s important to take into account that you don’t know the history of the person you are going to "criticize" and if you want to say something is best to take it to the constructive side. On the other hand, belittling your colleagues won’t make you a better professional -quite the opposite- you will eventually lose support (both from clients and other makeup artists) because this area is very small and in the end everything is known.

Photo: mitofago

What do you think of this topic? Have you suffered from bullying for wearing makeup or as a make-up artist?

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Until the next post!

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