
Lip Care

Hello! I realized I have a lip care beauty ritual, because my lips tend to be dry and show dead skin that destroys any lipstick I use; so, that's why I want to share my easy lip care routine that helps to maintain them hydrated and soft.

How I take care of my lips...

Lips require special attention in any skincare routine, because it is a fragile skin; besides making face gymnastics specific for lips  I follow these steps to take care of my lips.


I exfoliate my lips once a week or when I think I need it, because there are seasons where my lips are drier than others.

These are my lips without exfoliating, a bunch of dead skin :(

To exfoliate my lips I make a mix with 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil and 1/4 teaspoon of sugar, then, I put it on my lips and make a gently massage with circular motions; you can see how the dead skin starts to fall and the lips become softer. When finish I retire the mixture with a damp towel.

After the exfoliation, lips without dead skin...

Hydrating mask:

After exfoliating you must hydrate the skin, and I use a honey mask for my lips; only put a little amount of honey on the lips and keep it there 10 minutes (the difficult thing here is avoid eating the honey). When finished I remove the mixture with a damp towel.

Daily hydration:

The lips need to be hydrated daily, even if you don't make the previous steps. One thing you need to avoid is to lick your lips, because saliva dries the skin.

Lips balms are the solution to maintain the lips hydrated. My favorite is from the brand EOS, I use it all day; also, I consume lots of water to be hydrated from inside, that really helps to improve the skin.

When I finish with this routine I can use any lipstick or just put my lip balm. I decided to wear a soft look using “840 Rose” lip liner pencil by NYX and “102 Beige Plume” lipstick by Givenchy.

¿Do you have any "beauty rituals" for your lips?

Thanks for coming, you are welcome to like and share with your friends.

Until the next post!

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